Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012

Justin Bieber Ignores Plea Organ Donor

Justin Bieber asked to Retweet a message in support of organ donation yesterday, but has not done. Despite its lack of support, Elena Campbell is satisfied with the attention to their cause brought together.

The 20-year-old appealed to the charitable nature of Justin and asked Twitter to support organ donation. The singer has not done so far, but does anyone in his camp. Elena is grateful for any support to their cause. She tells the Ottawa Citizen, "The fact that Dan Kanter said something is really cool." She admits that her hopes were raised after Kanter tweets, and Justin was positive answer to his call. He did not.
In fact, Justin has been fairly quiet on the social networking site. Celebrities have to be very careful what you say or tweet. The audience is a group delicate and may be some who do not like the idea of organ donation. Elena is a known risk Justin must weigh carefully.

Justin does not have jumped aboard the campaign, however, but there were several others who did. Several Canadian politicians Twitter support, which may have led to a sharp increase in visits to the Canadian site beadonor,. The director of the site reveals 326 people registered as organ donors yesterday. Compared to the 50 or so normally get, the idea of Helene worked.

Imagine if Twitter decides to support Justin. It can handle the massive recovery site in visits? It would be tragic crash site when 16 million followers, as well as Justin tried to register.

It might be more appropriate to ask Lady Gaga to help. The legal age of consent to become an organ donor is 16. Given the average age of a fan of Justin Bieber, which eliminates at least half of its 16 million fans.

Sources: celebs gather

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